Social Media Community Guidelines

Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service in Chambers County
Social Media Community Guidelines

All Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Chambers County and Chambers County 4-H Social Networking Pages are managed and monitored by the Extension Service.

The purpose of the Extension Service and 4-H Page is to build a community of clientele to engage in positive and productive conversation. A team of Extension Service employees monitors the page daily to ensure that postings and discussions are appropriate in nature. Extension Employees will respond to postings as the need arises or will direct a participant’s questions or concerns to the appropriate party.

Posts or discussions by community members in no way reflect the views of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Chambers County, Chambers County 4-H or its employees.

By posting on this page you agree that we may use your likeness or comments to promote the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service or Chambers County 4-H brand.

We reserve the right to remove content and/or block you from the page if your posts are deemed inappropriate due to the following:

  1. Contain language, images or video that is determined to be profane, obscene, vulgar or lewd
  2. Use language that can be perceived as derogatory or discriminatory (including comments about sex, age, race, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliation)
  3. Spamming comments posted regarding the same content matter, links, video or any other media
  4. Use of specific names of individuals, clubs or identifiable names with language that defames, abuses or threatens
  5. Promotion of any advertisement for products or services, causes or solicitation of funds exceeding more than one post per week

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